Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Book Haul!!

Hey lovely people!

So recently I made a trip to the library and the church thrift shop and walked out with a few book purchases for unbeatable prices.

In the picture above you see:

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer
 This is the 4th and final book in the Twilight series. Where a series of unprecedented events occur in the after math of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen's marriage. People will have their opinions on the Twilight series but I for one am a huge fan and always have been and getting a hardcover copy from my church for 50 cents was an unbeatable deal!

And a side note, the night I bought this book my friend who has the series in hard cover (I have it in a worn soft cover), offered me the set for free! So yay! More free books.

For 25 cents I got a sweet blast from the past, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II.
I read this book in like third grade which is kind of funny but I thought it was a great book to own. It's simply a collection of stories written by teenagers on a plethora of things.

Next is a hard cover edition of The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, this book was one of the creepiest and amazing books I've read. First read it in 8th grade and I'm super happy to own it. It's written from the perspective of a girl who is dead, she is in the middle land between life and death and in subtle ways communicates with her sister in hopes to bring justice to her killer. 50 cents at my church, such a steal!

The next book is probably the best thing that I have found that I haven't already read. The Color Purple by Alice Walker  has been on my "to-be-read" list for an eternity and now that is finally going to happen! This book is the story of two sister one a missionary in Africa and the other a child wife living in the South. These women sustain their relationship through struggle, distance, and time. It's a classic and I'm over joyed to have picked it up for 25 cents.

Salem's Lot by Stephen King is a well known novel written about a man that returns to his mansion in hopes of finding inspiration and himself, but after two boys venture into the nearby woods and one returns he is faced with the harsh realities of what this place has evolved into. I'm a fan of King and this is surprisingly a book of his that I have never written, so I'm eager to see whats in store. I got this book for 25 cents at my library.

The very last one in the second row might be one of my all time favorite books of all time, The Glass Castle, written by Jeanette Walls is a memoir of struggle and oppression, the strength of family bonds and the human spirit. And success in the most unlikely circumstances. I have been meaning to purchase the book for a while and with one last look at the bookshelf I saw it there for a staggering 25 cents, and let me tell you I almost cried.

The Virgin Suicides by Jefferey Eugenides, is the book that I left out of order on purpose I did not thrift this book, my boyfriend bought it for me today and I am like so overjoyed the reviews on this book have been amazing and I am so excited to read it. It's about 5 beautiful sisters who commit suicide one by one over the course of a year. It was $15.00 and totally worth it (thanks Erich).

Expect a ton of review soon! Finals week is no joke, but I'm almost done!

Love & Boogers,

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